Flu Shots Now Available

Get vaccinated against the flu.

Flu Shot:

  • Type: Regular and High Dose (65+ only)

  • Duration: ~ 10mins

Please have your provincial health card ready when booking your appointment.

Flu Vaccine

The Flu vaccine protects you from the most common seasonal strains of the "influenza virus." Get your flu vaccine between October and March from our Injection-trained Pharmacist.

  • Ages 65+ Only for the High Dose

Please only join the waitlist once. If you’re registering for the waitlist for more than 1 person, you’ll be able to indicate the maximum size of your group, up to 6 people.
If you or other members of your group are looking for another type of flu vaccine (options may include Regular, High-Dose and Nasal Spray), please join the appropriate waitlist(s) as offered by this pharmacy. Please refer to your provincial guidance for more information on eligibility and funding.
The influenza vaccine, or the “flu shot”, is the single most effective way to prevent getting the flu. Although it is not 100% effective at preventing the flu, it will significantly reduce your chances of getting sick. Please keep in mind that you cannot get the flu from the flu shot.
The pharmacist will also ask for you to wait in the pharmacy for 15 minutes (unless otherwise specified) after getting the shot. This is for your safety and to monitor for any allergic reactions after the shot.